Freedom Fund

Simply put, the "Freedom Fund" represents the resources the branch uses to support its mission to ensure the political, educational, social, economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. That includes the support of various community organizations who share in our mission as well as addressing issues that go against our mission.

One of the main purposes of the "Freedom Fund" is to support our youth who participate in our ACT-SO competition. We are firm believers that our youth are the single most important part of continuing the fight against injustice. 

Many of you recognize the "Freedom Fund" as only a banquet held once  a year, but it is much more that that. We absolutely enjoy highlighting our branch every October at the Freedom Fund Banquet, but your support of the organization is not limited to that single event. Become a "Freedom Fund" sponsor!

Thank you for joining us at our 109th Freedom Fund Celebration! It was an event to remember! 

Scan the code below to access our Freedom Fund Souvenir Book!

109th Freedom Fund Celebration 2024

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