Our Team


The NAACP Toledo 's executive committee are highly-trained, experienced and dedicated to the success of our organization.

Executive Committee Officers

Darlene Sweeney Newbern

1st Vice-President
 Calvin Brown

2nd Vice-President
Dr. Monita Mungo

3rd Vice President 
WilliAnn Moore

Recording Secretary 
Valerie Murphy

Assistant Recording Secretary
Kandice Saulsberry

Financial Secretary
Doris Roberts

Assistant Financial Secretary
Executive Committee Chairs/At-Large Members

ACT-SO - Bea Daniels*
Armed Services - Vacant
Communications/Media - Anita Madison
Criminal Justice - Leon Fitzpatrick 
Economic Development - Carleton Finkbeiner*
Employment - Rev. Troy Brown
Education - WilliAnn Moore 
Finance - Doris Roberts
Freedom Fund - Vacant
Health - Vacant
Housing - Vacant
Labor & Industry - Pete Miller
Legal Redress - Attorney Janet Hales
Computer/Technology - LaSean Shaw
Membership - Sena Mourad-Friedman
Political Action - Vacant
Prison - Vacant
Religious Affairs - Dr. Calvin Sweeney
Seargent-at-Arms - Willie Hall
Social Justice - Maurice Morris
WIN - Sharon Roach
Youth Council - Doris Roberts
Youth Council President- Davion Williams

*At-Large Members
Bishop Jerry Boose
Duane Broadnax
 Terry Crosby
 Theresa M. Gabriel
Rev. Willie Perryman, Jr.
Rev. Jon Michael Talbert

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