
Welcome from the President

Dear NAACP Family and Friends,

As President of the NAACP Toledo Branch 3204, it is a pleasure to welcome you to our branch’s new website. Since its founding on February 12, 1909, the NAACP remains the largest and most actively engaged civil rights organization in the country. Dating back to 1915, Mr. Benjamin H. Fisher was elected the first president of the Toledo Chapter of the NAACP. The Toledo Branch has experienced a 106-year history and has consistently been recognized on a local, state, and national level as one of the Association’s premier branches.   We are proud of the many accomplishments of our Toledo branch and we are proud of our continued growth and sustainability despite seeming insurmountable challenges and opposition to our social justice agenda. 

The primary focus of the NAACP continues to be the protection and enhancement of the civil rights, equal justice, and fair treatment for all people.I am humbled by the opportunity to have been asked, then elected to serve in this capacity as president of this great organization! Our journey for justice and equality is still relevant today. For it will be our desire to be a more PROACTIVE Resource in the Community in Building & Reinforcing Relationships across the board. We will continue to uphold the mission and vision of the Association, and I look forward to all the wonderful work that we will accomplish together.

Membership is the “Life Blood of the Association,” and is the guiding force of the Toledo Branch. We cannot achieve our mission without it. Your NAACP membership is more than a contribution. You are joining the team that has been on the forefront of civil and human rights battles for more than one hundred years and I invite you to “Please Join the NAACP” and become an Active Member!

Thank you for supporting The Toledo Branch 3204. 

Best regards,

Reverend Dr. W. L. Perryman Jr. – President

“Thriving Together!”

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